Cash Phrases

A glossary of terms from the Cashing In With TJ Miller podcast Add a new phrase login / register
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Deleted Phrases

Delete reason: This is a proper name that's not even a character. I'm going to follow my rule and delete this( my own submission) as well.

Tres Live

from Tripod of Furry- Live from the... at 17:26

A terrible Latino rapper

deleted 1 decade ago by Greg Stefanakis  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Forearm shiver is an actual sports term and was used correctly by Cash without a redefinition

Forearm Shiver

from Airport Courage at 17:15

bump into someone and throw an elbow in.

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Duplicate, see Squanus

Anus squared

from Kangaroo Xmas at 8:20

An anus inside an anus. Also known as a squanus.

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Duplicate, see Breaking It Down A Notch

Break It Down A Notch

from Scratch the Dragon at 14:10

As you take it down a notch, you break it down

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: A salad is a real thing and it was not redefined on the show; Cash just doesn't like them


from Hieroglyphic Salad at 46:00

Horrible non-tasty entity

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: What?

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: This doen't fit the criterion of "Cash Phrase"

An inappropriate term to refer to one's abode

deleted 1 decade ago by Greg Stefanakis  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Phrases should probably have some sort of redefinition to be included in the glossary; this is just a quote from the show and the definition is really weak

Coming up in about half an hour, maybe I'll call you.

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: This is already a defined english word that wasn't ever redefined on the show

Any type of altercation worse than a quarrel, melee or bruhaha.

deleted 1 decade ago by Greg Stefanakis  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Definition says it all? Need at least an episode number for verification, but would need a better definition to be included in the glossary anyway

NOT a Cashphrase.

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Phrases should probably have some sort of redefinition to be included in the glossary; this is just a quote from the show and the definition is really weak

Your country's birthday party, and you were invited.

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Unless I'm not remembering something, this isn't a thing (see "If we stay here, the party dies")

What you say to keep the party going

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Phrases should probably have some sort of redefinition to be included in the glossary; this is just a quote from the show and the definition is really weak

Fellas, you know what i'm talking about...

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  2 comments  |  history

Delete reason: This is so far from the criterion of "Cash Phrase" that I almost can't believe it.

The engineer who will not shut his damn trap.

deleted 1 decade ago by Greg Stefanakis  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: This doesn't fall under the criterion of "Cash Phrase"

The Clown Prince of Baseball AKA Patkin the Napkin

deleted 1 decade ago by Greg Stefanakis  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Phrases should probably have some sort of redefinition to be included in the glossary; this is just a quote from the show and the definition is really weak

What one does while walking down the waterfront

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: I'm putting an end to this. Nancy Grace is a real person's name and doesn't fall under the criterion of "Cash Phrase"

-A gnarled tree trunk of a woman
-A demonic soulless dog-faced woman (if you can call her that) who is incapable of feeling emotions

deleted 1 decade ago by Greg Stefanakis  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Need more information for this to be included; either an episode number/timestamp or a better definition

a snake.

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Needs a better definition at the very least in order to be included; a timestamp would be useful as well

Said to elves as they refuse to give you more pics of Santa and the kids.

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Duplicate, see Peniral

A funeral for your penis

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Doesn't fall under the criterion of "Cash Phrase"

TJ's default eyewear.

deleted 1 decade ago by Greg Stefanakis  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Duplicate, see "The Hitler Card"

Making some reference to Hitler or the Nazi party during the course of a dispute. Shouldn't be done too early or it loses it true effect and makes you look bad.

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Not up to snuff and essentially just a duplicate

(see full body release)

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Phrases should probably have some sort of redefinition to be included in the glossary; this is just a quote from the show and the definition is really weak

See: Feel the Tenderness

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Doesn't fall under the criterion of "Cash Phrase"

Producter's Creed.

deleted 1 decade ago by Greg Stefanakis  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Character names do not fall under the criterion of "Cash Phrase"

Alternatively, Pemberton Buttlesticks. A famous politician who is NOT TJ Miller.

deleted 1 decade ago by Greg Stefanakis  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Character names do not fall under the criterion of "Cash Phrase"

Impressionist extraordinaire!

deleted 1 decade ago by Greg Stefanakis  |  0 comments  |  history

Delete reason: Duplicate, see Tubbies

a dark skinned infant born via natural under water birth method, mostly occuring in a hot tub (e.g. Hot Tub Time Machine 2).

allias name: Tub Rubber.

Asian babies are not eligible for this type of birth method, (excluding phillipinõs)

deleted 1 decade ago by Ryan  |  0 comments  |  history